Who We Are

AMRA is an alliance of automotive professionals responsible for standards that deliver peace of mind to motorists.

About AMRA

Position Statement

AMRA is for those who are accountable for building stronger, more trusted relationships with consumers.

The Automotive Maintenance and Repair Association (AMRA) is a not-for-profit trade association formally organized in 1992. AMRA is an alliance of automotive professionals responsible for standards that deliver peace of mind to the motorist. Our consumer programs include the Motorist Assurance Program (MAP), MAP Participating Facility Program and its MAP Qualified Technician Program all designed for the benefit of the motorist. We also provide consumer brochures intended to educate the motorist on their vehicles and related components and systems. MAP provides information on a variety of consumer-requested topics dealing with their automotive maintenance and repair service experiences.


MAP is about delivering peace of mind to the motorist through standards that give them a reason to come back to your business over and over again.


MAP gives your team the ability to communicate with motorists what is okay, suggested or required in the way of services their vehicles may need based on a tried and true inspection process – not marketing hype.


MAP will provide you with a repeatable process for inspecting vehicle systems and components as well as the resulting communication of those results to the motorists.


Ultimately your business is a reflection of the experience you create for the motorist. MAP gives you the foundation for building a world class customer experience.

About MAP

The Motorist Assurance Program (MAP) provides thousands of repair and maintenance standards and vehicle conditions that have been established by industry experts over the last 25 years. These standards were created in order to instill trust in the relationship between the motorist and the shop through the consistent application of the communication and inspection standards. As an industry-wide effort, MAP is bridging the gap between motorists and service providers by joining together to develop and implement MAP Uniform Inspection and Communication Standards (UICS) across all participating MAP members.

MAP Vision

A world in which every motorist trusts the automotive maintenance and repair industry.

MAP Mission

Dedicated to equipping the automotive maintenance and repair industry with standards that build trusted relationships with the motorist.

The Motorist Assurance Program addresses important consumer concerns:


Over 25 years ago, the automotive industry recognized the need for consistent standards for service providers and as a result joined together collaboratively to initiate the Motorist Assurance Program (MAP). The outcome of this industry wide effort was the formation of today’s MAP Uniform Inspection and Communication Standards (UICS). Improving communication between the motorist and the repair facility will enable consumers to understand exactly the condition of their vehicles systems and have the results of the inspection communicated clearly and consistently so that both understand what is suggested or required and what the motorist approved to have completed.

Our History

Since Automotive Maintenance and Repair Association’s (AMRA) inception in 1992, its members have worked together with legislators, regulators, and most importantly, motorists across the country to help eliminate negative perceptions, improve communication and build trust.

To accomplish this goal, AMRA and its members worked to improve the relationship between the motorist, the automotive repair industry and all levels of government through the creation and adoption of the standards for vehicle inspection and the communication of inspection results to the motorist.

During this time, much of the negative perceptions people had about automotive service stemmed from inconsistent experiences they had when visiting repair facilities. From one visit to the next, customers were exposed to different processes, inspection procedures — even terminology. And, if someone does not understand or does not know what to expect, they can become confused and frustrated, which typically leads to a loss of trust.

To address this, AMRA established the Motorist Assurance Program (MAP) with the goal of implementing Uniform Inspection and Communication Standards, developed by AMRA for the auto repair industry to create consistency with parts and service recommendations and transparency on why those parts and services were recommended.

More than twenty five years later, AMRA and its Motorist Assurance Program is the only automotive industry association dedicated to establishing industry standards that provide a clear benefit to the motorist. Members understands that putting the consumer first builds trust – and that earning a customer’s trust is the very best way to earn a customer’s business.

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